What Did Legal Professionals Really Think About 2021 and 2022?
January 18, 2022
As part of our recent 2021 State of the Legal Industry webinar, we asked the more than 250 live participants to share a word with us and fellow attendees that described 2021 and 2022 to them.
The words they submitted to describe 2021(check them out in the word cloud below) were not surprising given the pandemic – they included:
- overwhelming
- busy
- stressful
- unpredictable
- challenging
- transformational
- life-changing
- perseverance
- Groundhog Day
During the webinar, Leopard Solutions’ CEO Laura Leopard shared eye-opening data about growth and changes within the legal industry during 2021, and our panel provided insights, and offered predictions about what 2022 may bring.
Participants were also asked to provide words they thought would define 2022, which were then transcribed into the word cloud below.
Those words hint at hope for the future:
- growth
- resilience
- hope
- stability
- reinvigorated
- relief
- flexibility
- new opportunities
The pandemic has forced the legal industry and many law firms to make changes to the way they conduct business, pay their lawyers and operate. The legal market continues to remain resilient, even as it faces challenges in recruiting and retention in the most competitive legal hiring market in years.
Watch a recording of the Leopard State of the Legal Industry webinar.