Legal Recruiters

Providing intelligence on attorneys and law firms to assist with placing lateral attorneys, offering strategic consulting for law firms, and tracking job market trends.

Networking icon, value proposition

Lateral Placement

Legal recruiters use the Leopard List platform to find the right lawyers for law firms and the Leopard InHouse platform to find the right lawyers for corporate counsel hiring. Discover the appropriate lawyer by utilizing various search criteria, including field of practice, geographical location, diversity, job role, educational and biographical background, duration of service at the law firm, potential interest in relocation, and particular areas of specialization.

people icon on pedestals, value prop

Strategic Talent Advisor

Discover hiring patterns in law firms and track their expansion or contraction with Leopard Firmscape. Use this knowledge in business development opportunities to expand recruiting services. Use Leopard BI (Business Intelligence) to guide legal recruiters on potential merger and acquisition prospects and be the talent acquisition advisor for these firms. Provide the law firm’s strategic growth strategy, helping to identify talented attorneys looking to move.

Value proposition, two people icon

Attorney Jobs

Receive daily alerts when new attorney job opportunities become available through the Leopard Job search platform. Find open available jobs with Leopard Job Match to help attorney clients find open opportunities that match their backgrounds and areas of expertise. Monitor hiring trends and job opportunities in real-time.


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More Leopard Resources


Hot Spot

Leopard’s legal news aggregator where we look at the latest law firm news from multiple news and press release outlets.

Recruiter directory

Recruiter Directory

A listing of legal recruiters across the U.S.


Thought Leadership

Legal market research papers developed by Leopard Solutions.